427 Main, Van Buren, AR 72956, Phone 501-415-4643
Young Actors Guild has a new home! We are operating out of the King
Opera House in Van Buren. All future plays will be held in the King Opera House as well as Young Actors Guild classes.
Bring all your friends out and join us at the Fort Smith Park (off Clayton
Expressway) for our Fall Festival. There will be lots of food and fun. Dress up in costume and get your picture taken. There will be face painting and karoake. We'll have a free throw game and a dunking booth! And to end the day, there will be a talent contest beginning at 6:00 pm. |
Cast List
We moved the domain sites to a new server and now those
sites are having all kinds of problems. Please read the notice at the top of the dream-link.org domain page. |