Prices for disk duplication service.

                          Low Ink   High Ink

CD.           -             .90       $1.30
DVD.         -         $1.05       $1.45
DVD-DL    -         $1.35       $1.75
BluRay     -          $1.65       $2.05
We burn disks and create disk labels to be printed directly onto the disk.

We burn onto white printable blanks.

We can print B&W and color labels.

The size of the label will affect the prices since ink is one of the most expensive parts of this service.  A nice professional looking label is important but need not be expensive.

We use flat rate prices for our disk duplication services.  Prices are listed per disk and come in slim plastic cases.

We do not do the regular jewel cases with inserts but we can get the jewel cases if a customer requires it.  Prices with the full size jewel cases will vary.

Cases are easy to acquire from various outlets on the Internet.

Kinko's provides insert making services and I believe they also sell the jewel cases.

If you want them on a spindle let us know and we will give you a new price.
You bring us the ISO or Master
and we will duplicate your disks.

You direct the label design and your disks will be personalized for your application.
Price includes slim case, blank media, label printing, and labor.  If you don't need the slim cases, have your own spindle the copies are 20c less than listed above.

Minimum order 12 disks.
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