This Page Dedicated to Alien and UFO Dreams

Great Dreams Alien Dreams
A large page of alien UFO type dreams.

I hope to fill this page up with interesting alien and UFO related dreams and put an index here at the top of the page.  I'll be working on it.  Until then read the page and then jump over to Dee's Great Dreams page.  It is literally filled with highly interesting dreams of UFO's and aliens.
Some of these dreams were all ready in this file and I am having to do some editing on it.

Batteries Included 11/12/98
Hieroglyphics & Space People 1/23/98
The Mole Men  11/10/97
Aliens Again 2/1/98 Sick Aliens Want to Fight

Future World 2/5/98 The Space Station
Signs in the Heavens -Triangular Event
Another set of strange dreams 2/21/98 The Lumber Jack

Huge Stone Power Station 2/21/98 And Revisiting the Underground
Another Underground Facility 2/21/98
Message from Heaven 3/23/98
Message from Heaven 3/23/98
Concealed 3/24/98  Massive  Underground Factory.
Undercover Mission Again 3/30/98  Giant Gray Alien
A Star in the Heavens 3/31/98
The Spirit Flows 4/9/98
More UFO’s 4/10/98
3 U.F.O.s 4/20/98

Batteries Included 11/12/98

A dream of Miniature Living UFO’s

 I was in the back yard of the house where I grew up with some of my friends, many who I had never met face to face but knew them as my friends.  We were watching the stars on this night and they were so very clear.  We saw one bright red star and as we watched it changed colors.  Moments later a bright white star literally moved in the sky and flew near the red star, then changed directions and flew away in the blink of an eye.  One of the people called out "Look a UFO" and they pointed toward it.

 As we watched these brightly lit starts started to become larger until we saw they were not stars at all, they were little flying saucers.  As the first bunch came near us a small one about a foot across and about 4 or 5 inches thick lead them.  They changed shapes and colors until they were cute little disks the color of some jelly fish I guess.  A semi-transparent light blue in color.  Three larger disks about a foot and a half across but the same color now followed the smaller one.  The small one flew right up to us and we all sat down on the porch floor and watched in amazement as this small thing flew up to each of us as if looking us over.  One of them said "it’s alive, it’s not a machine."  As it flew up to me and touched me and the person next to me right on the forehead I said "I wonder, are the batteries included ?"  J  Some of my friends chuckled at my remark.

 The larger disks hovered only a few feet away during this time and while we had been watching these disks many more of the same type and color had come down all around us without our even knowing it.  Some of them were behind things out of sight some were near the ground some were in the limbs of the trees and behind the trees.  Then the three that were hovering above us over our heads started to pull away back up into the sky.  The small one spoke to me and I believe the person next to me.  The two who had been touched on the foreheads.  It said a name but I refered to that name as being its father.  It said that "father" wanted it to go with the others now.  I told it, "then you must go and don’t get father mad at you."  With that it departed to join the others that were leaving.

 We all got up and walked around in the back yard and this is when we saw the others that had been hidden all around us.  Many of them flew in pairs and some of the pairs flew in pairs.

 Two of us walked down to the ally and we were looking up at the others leaving when we saw 4 much larger orange disks glowing in the sky above us.  Then these came down to us and they were at least 2 feet across and there was only 4 of them that we could see.  These flew within a few feet over our heads and I heard one of them speaking to me.  Now during the dream I understood the voice clearly but at the moment I can’t remember exactly what the message was.  Perhaps I will remember it later.

 It has been my experience that when UFO’s, lights in the sky and things like this are observed they are of supernatural significance.  They are some of the signs in the Heavens so to speak.  These little UFO’s are living things.

    Being in the back yard means something that is not real public in nature.  It is a "behind the house" kind of thing that only close friends know about.

 This dream messages or Night vision was crystal clear and a real experience to behold.  It supports other information that I have received in my UFO investigations.  Not all UFO’s are what they appear to be.  If a flying trailer like that pulled behind a big truck can fly over the trees in Rainsville, AL and a Huge flying triangular UFO can appear and vanish into thin air and two reporters who went to experience the beings behind these events were overcome by a powerful spirit and the sound of a powerful rushing wind, then all is not what it appears to be.  Ray Griffin himself said "The UFO’s are real, but they are not all what they appear to be."  He was right.  If we go searching for some solid evidence for every UFO sighting or encounter and base our understanding of what is real and what is not real on these things then we have certainly missed the point.  A UFO doesn’t have to be physical to be very much real.

 The scriptures referred also to the angels in heaven as the stars of the heavens.  When war broke out in the heavens and Lucifer and his followers were cast out of the heavens it was said that "…a third of the stars fell from the heavens."  Even Lucifer himself was referred to as the Bright and Morning Star before his fall from grace.

 What we are being shown in this dream is another clue as to the signs in the heavens.  It is saying the angels are among us even angels that we are not aware of.  If we can be aware of even one then there are hundreds of them all around us.  For some of us they have come to communicate with us.  They have come to "touch our minds" and this is frequently very much a supernatural psychic telepathic experience.  These "UFO’s" are in reality angels who represent the Lord of Light, the Lord of the Heavens.  Following the first wave of angels will come angels of warning, the color orange.  I saw 4 of them.  If I could remember their message I could tell you what they are and what they represent.

 We are standing here on the very edge of a powerful supernatural experience and we need to keep our eyes and ears open.  We need to be open to the heavens and to the truth.  We must share our information about these things with each other.


Aliens Again 2/1/98

Sick Aliens want to Fight

This is a strange dream I had just before I woke up.  It was about two different species of aliens.  One species, about a dozen of them or so were exto-skeleton.  When I first saw them I thought they were wearing armored space suits.  They were dark looking and had huge black "wrap-around" eyes set far to the edge of their heads.  These eyes wrapped around the sides of their heads to the front of their heads.  These creatures were very bug like in nature.  They were very large, perhaps some of them as tall as 7 feet.  They were also somewhat humanoid as they stood on what appeared to be two legs and had two arms.   They were all in one room of this space ship, all but one of them who lay before me on the floor and who had just died.  The others of its kind were angered and were asking for a fight.  I wanted to know why so I turned to the other alien standing before me a few yards beyond the dead body of the other alien.

The alien who appeared to be in charge of this space ship was different.  Humanoid but not human.  Had a smooth gray skin with light spots scattered about and wearing some kind of tight fitting suit.  It was about 6 feet tall.  It also had large eyes that were set far apart on its head but they were not black eyes like the bug creatures.

 I asked this being what was going on and he told me these other aliens wanted to fight because they were a warrior race of beings.  He said something was killing them and he was at a loss to explain what it was and did not know what to do about it.  He said these other beings had expressed their desire to fight to the death rather than to be killed by some unseen force they could not fight against.  They said they would fight anyone to the death and were asking for their weapons.  They also appeared to be contained in that room by an invisible force field.  I say that because I could not see any door on that room but these beings when they would approach the door they would keep a certain distance from it as if they were afraid of it.

 The alien I spoke with did not speak English but I understood him as if he were speaking English.  Then he picked up a thing that looked almost like an arc welder with rod and sparks flew out of the end of it as he touched some piece of equipment he appeared to be working on.  At first I took that thing to be some kind of ray gun but evidently it was a tool and he was trying to fix something on his space ship.

The nature of the space ship inside was all metallic like unpainted metal.  It was like polished stainless steel or aluminum.  A light colored metal and did not look like steel.  It was light gray in color.  I did not see the outside of this space ship.

Then I turned to the dead alien on the floor and looked at its face.  Its eyes had turned to dust and when I looked inside its head I saw the entire body content of this being had turned to dust.  The only things left were the hard shell of its body.

I pondered on what it was that was killing these beings and thought perhaps it was some kind of illness.  I then wondered if that illness was confined only to these strange bug like beings or if someone else might catch it.

Again I conversed with the alien who was working on the space ship.  I told him my thoughts and he said he did not know the answers.  All he really knew is these beings wanted to go home but that it was too far for them to return these beings to their home in his space ship in the limited time they considered they had.  The impression I got from him was that his space ship could not make that trip in the length of time they figured to have before all of the aliens of that species may die.  I did not know the exact reason why this ship could not travel that distance, either it just couldn’t go fast enough or it was broke down or something.

Then I asked him what the odds were that the others would die soon.  He told me that any one of them could take ill at any moment and die in a short time.  Or they may live another year or so, he did not have the answers.

Again the bug like aliens in the room made loud sounds which I could not understand and I asked the other alien who worked on the ship.  He said they were begging him not to allow them to die as their friend had died.  They were begging to have their weapons and to be allowed to die a death of honor in battle against someone else and they didn’t seem to care who that someone was.  They/he didn’t mention if they had an enemy in mind, they only indicated they wanted an opponent to die fighting against.

 Well I said it was a strange dream didn’t I ?  These are the kinds of dreams that good science fiction evolves from.  What if there is some real message in this dream ?  There could be ?  How would we as humans understand that message ?  Is it literal or symbolic ?  I have no answers but I can only submit this as a dream that I had this morning.  So what do you think ?

Future World 2/5/98

The Space Station

In this strange dream I was in the future and with a small group of people on something like a space station.  I think it was our jobs to collect the things we needed to keep the space station working to keep everyone alive until we could find a world to recolonate  on.  (I say I think because other things happened in the dream that makes me wonder about our real mission.)

 We sent out probes to different stars, the closest ones to us.  These probes did more than just search for a suitable world for us to land on.  They collected energy from the sun’s and charged up some kind of power supplies that would return to our large space station and help keep things running.  I watched the probes go out from our station at blinding speeds so fast the eye could hardly follow them toward their stars.

 We also had small space ships that we could go out to promising star systems to check them out first hand.  These smaller ships may have been about the size of a space shuttle.  They weren’t exactly small except compared to the main station ship.

 Then several of us took one of these ships and went out to one of the star systems where we had sent a probe earlier.  There we landed on a planet that was like earth.  I can’t say what the planet’s name was but the people there were like us, they spoke our language and the thing that stood out the most was this world was under some kind of domination by powerful forces.  There were not only ruthless beings in power here there were monsters walking around on the planet like dinosaurs and King Kong like creatures.

 The buildings were similar to our buildings except they were tattered and old looking.  The people wore cloths that also looked like they had been through a war.  Dirty and tattered.  The air was cold and at one moment I saw that I was wearing shorts that came down just above my knees and my legs were cold and red colored.  Though I saw this I felt no sensation of the cold, I only saw the evidence of it by the coats and cloths people were wearing and then to see my legs like that.  But I wasn’t always dressed like that.  Moments later I was wearing something else more like coveralls.

 Now we found someone in this small town and asked them some questions.  I can’t tell you word for word what was said but we were looking for the place where the dominating beings were based to see who they were and to learn about the enemy on this world.  That person said to follow.  I recall talking to a man and a women at different times but can’t tell you who said what.  Then they pointed us in a certain direction away from the town and told us we must stay near the base of the hills as close to the trees as we could to keep from being seen by the monsters or the other race of beings who were in power here.  We sent out in single file walking along the tree line until we must have walked several miles.  We were walking along an area of rocks when we heard something and had to hurry to find cover.  Something passed us not far away but evidently didn’t see us.  I can’t give any directions in this dream, I had no sense of North or South, etc.

 When the thing had passed us we continued on across an open area to some small buildings just outside of a large rock wall.  There was a wire fence around part of this area.  We walked right on in and one of the people with me was checking out the small building which I took to be a guard shack while I went with the other guy to see what was on the other side of that rock wall.

 I climbed up the wall and looked over.  This area was rectangular in shape and almost looked like it had been carved right out of the solid rock.  Inside that area was full of strange machines.  In fact there wasn’t anything in there that I could recognize or identify.  The only thing I can say is that though it appeared to be quite technical in nature and futuristic it also looked as if it had been around for a very long time and was very old perhaps.  As I looked all around I saw no one moving inside that area.  As such I stepped back away from the rocks and pressed a button in each hand and flew back to the ground below.  No reason to hide, I didn’t see anyone in there, the place appeared to be abandoned.  I told my friends and we walked around to the main gate of the place and was looking inside at the strange machines.  One of the men with me opened the gate and started into the yard.  At this point it reminded me of a junk yard.  Then he started to walk up into this one large device that looked like a huge barrel that was open on both ends.  It had tracks in it as if it were designed for loading something into it and perhaps then hauling it.   The doors that opened from it also doubled as ramps that lead up into it.  When my friend started to walk up that ramp I warned him it could be a trap.  He looked at it again and backed away from it.  He said "a trap?"

And I said "Yes, these are all alien machines we don’t know what they do or what their traps might look like but can we be sure they would go off and leave this place without setting a trap for unwelcome visitors such as ourselves ?"

 It was evident at this point it wasn’t wise to just go walking into things that we knew nothing about.  We looked around for a few moments then convinced the alien invaders had moved on we turned and headed back for the town.  We were trying to get there before nightfall. We were two mountain’s out to the right from the town when we came to an open area and were starting to cross it.  Then again we heard sounds in the distance toward an open area between the two hills.  There towering above the trees was a King Kong like monster.  It moved about among the trees and we moved back out of sight into the trees where we were and waited until the beast moved on out of sight.  Then we headed on toward the town.

 Recently I have had several dreams that sound more like science fiction stories than dreams.  I have no real explanation for them.  I have not been watching any sci-fi movies or reading any books of that kind and have never seen anything like these in the movies.  I have had alien dreams / dreams of aliens and space ships and viewpoints, even night visions about these things that were so very real and can’t help but wonder what their message is to us.

 In one a long time ago I was on a space ship talking with a very large humanoid being wearing a white hooded cloak and this being projected our galaxy on a 3-D image device showing me where life existed in the galaxy as we knew it.  In that he showed me where our solar system was.  I remembered what I saw and drew a picture of it.  Later I discovered a book that showed the position of our solar system in the galaxy, which was identical to what the tall alien had shown me.

 In another alien dream I was back at the house where I grew up and a small boy was going through one of the old buildings there.  It was an old garage that was torn down when I was a little boy.  That boy said he was searching for his father and moments later a pickup truck came into our driveway with two other people in it.  These people were actually aliens but they were human aliens.  They didn’t want to tell me and my friend who they were but then when we told them we knew who they were they finally admitted it and took us to their house which was behind the old Church of Christ, across the road from it.  No building has been there to my knowledge but I believe there had been one there once long before I was born.  These aliens were a recon team sent to the Earth to gather needed information and supplies for their world which was orbiting our sun in a very strange 2000 year orbit.  When it would come close to the earth these people would shuttle from their world to ours for the things they needed, then return to their world with their information and supplies.  As the aliens were telling me these things I saw inside one of their small ships and it went under the ocean, tested the water, took samples of different things, fish, etc.  It could remove the salt from the water, both which were things they needed on their world.  And when finished it would return to their world.

 In another alien dream I was just flying around over the countryside with a friend when a bright light came down from the sky and I hid in the top branches of a tree there between the farm house and where the light had come down.  There was a gravel road under me, near the tree.  Then the field in the direction of the light was filled with little white things moving about.  They were coming right at us.  When they passed under us I saw they were little people with white hair dressed in once piece white robes.  They had no guns or anything I could see that might be a weapon so we flew down among them and tried to communicate with them.  They were about 4 to 5 feet tall.  Very handsome little beings and very friendly.  They were as if on tour and acted very much like tourists.  They looked at everything, the rocks, the trees the grass the house as if they had never seen anything like it before.  When they were done they returned to their space ship and away they went.

I have had other dreams of alien beings in the past, more than I can put in here now.  I have traveled through the sun to another world where people were very much like us but their culture was very different.  Their vehicles were different the way they dressed was different.

What do all these alien dreams mean ?  Were they viewpoints ?  Are they trying to tell me these things are real ?  That alien beings do come and go from our world without our knowledge ?

I even had a dream about an alien U.S. underground base that was so realistic that I could smell the air, feel the dirt under my feet and when I looked down the shaft I saw one spotted skinned alien being that was shaped similar to the gray’s.  I also saw a U.S. soldier in that same tunnel going the opposite direction.  That dream may be on my web site.


Hieroglyphics & Space People 1/23/98

In this dream between 6 and 7 AM this morning just before I got up I thought I was in my own bed at the house where I grew up.  Upstairs room and I saw a plaque with gold hieroglyphics on it.  The clearly the image became the more I saw how similar yet different it was from Egyptian hieroglyphics.  There were many new symbols on the writing along with mixtures of the Egyptian hieroglyphics.  Some of the markings were of full size beings, people, and images of human looking beings with animal’s heads.  One of these figures was drawn showing it carrying a staff that had a huge loop on the top end of it.  At the bottom of the loop there was a small cross like thing.  I looked closer and saw it was a figure of an Aunk (sp?)

Suddenly I realized I was dreaming and wanted to see more about these writings to learn their meaning and origin.  I held on tight and called out for my wife to come quick.  All the while I was observing the images I was seeing in my dream so as not to loose contact with my dream state.

Then I saw men who appeared to be on a journey and they were dressed in Egyptian type garment covered with robes, headdresses and trimmed with gold.  These men were of royal origin and they were on a quest of some kind.  The man in front who wore the most gold and had the fancy headdress was carrying a paper with writing on it.  This paper was mostly held in his left hand.  In his right hand he had a small flat gold object that was similar to a Popsicle stick in size and shape and on one end it had a round flat disk.

On the paper on the top of the first page was a list.  This writing was not in hieroglyphics but I did not recognize the script.  The first two lines had turned dark while the rest of them were still bright gold in color.  Then he touched the third line with the disk end of this gold object in his hand and like magic the third line also turned dark.  Then I realized he was crossing off things on a list.  Things that either he was searching for or things he had found.  Perhaps he was crossing off events I do not know.  I do know the first page was the only page that I saw that had these lists on it.  The rest of the papers were filled with writings.

Then I looked up and thought I saw a chandelier on my ceiling and this light had many lights around it and all of them were changing shapes at the same time.  Then I told my wife as I knew she was setting beside me.  "I have seen into another world and there I saw alien hieroglyphics and these beings were not of this world."

Suddenly I realized I was still dreaming and thought I had woke up and was back home in my own bed.  Later I really did wake up and realized that even my thoughts that I was awake were also a dream.  It was so vivid and real.



The Mole Men  11/10/97

I was riding a motorcycle down a country road.  I was checking into a story about a man in the past who worked on a strange government project.  He had some kind of drug that when put in someone's drink made them become paranoid.  They believed that someone or something was behind them always ready to kill them.

As I rode the color went out of my dream and I found myself in the past.  Everything was now black and white.  I turned and went down another dirt road into a field.  I saw this man and another man setting in chairs in a field.  They were talking and the first man gave the second man something to drink in a glass.  The second man was unaware of the drug in the drink and he drank some of it.  It was as if a shiny image appeared behind him and I could hear the first man suggesting things to him, "doesn't it feel like someone is following you, behind you, a shinny image of someone or something?"

Suddenly out of the ground near the road several men wearing full body suits and hoods came up out of the ground with guns and shot the second man who had drank the drug.  They killed him and I was shocked.  Now I was really there, in the past and I pulled out a small handgun and fired several rounds at these mole men.  One of them actually turned and fired at me but I ducked and he missed.  I fired several more rounds but I was far enough away that the little hand gun was just about useless.  It only served to make some noise and the mole men all went back into the ground.  I jumped on my motorcycle and went out of there as fast as I could.   I turned to the right and went right past the place where the mole men had gone back into the ground.  I could see where the dirt had been turned up where the mole men had come out of the ground, but they were gone.  I rode fast down the road and suddenly everything turned around again, like I had come to a loop and found myself headed back in the direction of the mole men.  The moment I realized this I went very fast back past them in case they should come out of the ground and try to kill me for what I knew about them.
 I feel this is a literally dream and can be taken at face value.  We hear about top secret under ground bases and these projects that our long black arm of the government has in the works and who knows.  Maybe they really did create some of the illnesses that we now battle.  Mind altering drugs that can be put into the water systems of entire nations to kill or in some way prevent people from being able to defend themselves.  There are governments out there just sick enough to do these things.  Would our government do these things ?  Ask yourself why they allowed their own soldiers to set and watch "A" bombs go off in the desert ?  They knew those bombs were radioactive and they knew it would have permanently damaging effects on the people who were exposed to those blasts but did they care ?  NO.

Look how many, countless people came back from the Gulf War ill with curious symptoms that doctors have traced to two different things.  The pills they were forced to take during the war that they were told would help them in the event they were hit by chemical weapons.  The doctors who have investigated these pills say they caused the ill effects to the soldier’s nervous systems.   The other thing we know is that Acutame (sp?) better known as NutraSweet is also a deadly drug in disguise and causes the very same symptoms.  Soda’s with NutraSweet in them have been nicknamed "The Gulf War Syndrome in a Can" with good reason.  Under heat as high as body temperature the components of NutraSweet separate into 3 known deadly poisons.  We all know the temperature in the desert is much higher than this.  When the chemicals separate they become bitter.

You might think this is just another joke but NutraSweet is another one of those chemicals that causes cancer and tumors in lab animals, even in small doses.  It also causes nurlogical damage producing the symptoms of M.S. and stroke.   Since these are known facts ask yourself why our Food and Drug administration has not taken steps to remove these products from the market ?  The only answer you can come up with is that powerful people in high places are preventing it.  They don’t care if we get sick, they want to control the population and they want to test their drugs and chemicals on us to see what effect it would have on humans.  It’s harder to get to an enemy country to poison their water but we are available and easy to poison.  I have to drink bottled water because Fort Smith tap water is poisoned as well.   Causes my tongue to swell up so bad I can’t talk or eat.  A swollen tongue is one of the symptoms of being poisoned by certain kinds of poisons.  Some people are more sensitive than others but the fact remains we are not in the best of hands when it comes to things like this.

 What about this dream ?  I think its literal.  Look at the symbols and the way the dream flows back into the past and then back.  Showing these are not new things, they are things the government has had for a long time.  What about the possibility of symbols in the dream ?  Certainly any part of the dream could be taken as a symbol.  Making people paranoid is something the government is also very good at.  It gets troublesome people out of their way.  Like people who have really had close encounters with UFO’s suddenly become so paranoid they discredit themselves.  Some die of mysterious deaths, like stroke and heart attacks.

 So does anyone have any idea what drugs can cause paranoia ?  Is there such a thing ?  Of course there is.  But there is more than one way to cause a person to become paranoid and drugs and poison are only one method.  MIB’s is another.


Signs in the Heavens

Triangular Event

 I spent the entire night going to and from as well as walking around a triangular piece of land that had a truck stop, picnic area and trees on it.  It was surrounded on three sides by highways forming a very good triangular shape.  One came in from the East and joined a section that went South West, then went on to join one from the North West.  One came in from the North West crossed the land and went off to the South.

 Since I made so many trips in to this place at different times, sometimes alone and sometimes with other people, sometimes flying sometimes in different vehicles I can’t say what event happened in what order.  I have vague recollections of visiting a two story church building where the members voted on who could join their church and who would be kicked out.  While there I saw three different people being kicked out for some reason.  I did not enter the building I can only say it was built of what appeared to be concrete blocks painted white.  It was two stories high and had two huge vent sections more like a factory ventilation system than a church.  I never entered this building, I only stood in the parking lot and watched as the three people were kicked out.  I understood there had been a vote and did not know the real reasons why these people were kicked out.  I had the strong impression this was like the Southern Baptist churches who vote to see if people are good enough to join their church.  I saw they could vote to have people kicked out.  They vote passing judgment on each perspective to see who is good enough to be one of their members, to see who will go to heaven and who will not.  Church attendance being required to reach "God" or Heaven, and them being able to choose who will or will not be admitted.  I can’t tell you the exact location or directions here either but after I left this place I went to the triangular section or "Truck Stop."

 When I turned around in this parking lot there was the most fantastic car I had ever seen and it was mine.  It looked something like a Dodge Viper had been driven through a special effects lab, been "Back to the Future" for a hover mod and then back to me.  This car was a space vehicle that just looked something like a car.

 I got in, powered up and took to the air.  I was flying along just above the tree tops and following a highway.   It was at this point I realized I was moving West bound.  I found the triangular truck stop and circled.  Then I moved out East again, landed and drove back to their parking lot.  I got out walked around and looked everything over.  I was taking notes of vehicles and people who were there, and others who came and went.

 I saw a tanker truck pull in, leave fuel and then pull out.  I made a note of it on paper on a table that was just setting out in the open in the parking lot.  I was in disguise there and could not tell anyone who I was or what I was doing there.  I was like a secret agent in that respect.

 These people were not like enemies to me, they were friendly enough and I was not really there to do them any harm.  I was there to make notes of who was there what events would happen and when.

 I walked around the property several times and to the South toward the point of the triangle was the wooded area.  When I would get to that area I would check to see if anyone was watching me and if not I would fly around that area to see what or who I could find there.  On the Southern tip of the triangle was a small clearing and I would stand there looking up at the night sky toward the West.  The stars were very bright.  I could see more stars than I had ever seen before.

 I returned to the parking lot, I talked to some people here and there and then got back in my car and drove away back toward the East.  As soon as I was out of sight I took off and flew around the trees for awhile just making circles and passes around the triangular area.  Then I would land and return to the place as before, parking my car in the East parking lot area.  This place had a long white "blinder" (solid white fence) so that my car was hidden behind it from traffic passing along on the North highway.  During my last trip out I found myself looking at something that was blocking my view of the stars.  It was huge and it was black and I could not see it at first.  I only knew that what ever it was it was blocking the view of the stars.  As we came closer I saw this thing moving around in circles also and it was above us.  I found myself on the right side of my vehicle now and moving low into the trees so the thing would not see us.  As it passed over I saw the image of a huge military airplane.  It had a name and I tried to call it by name but can’t recall now.  I think it was called Hercules or something like that.  Anyway it was a massive military airplane, the kind the front and back both open up on.  It was flying in the night with its lights off so that it would not be detected.
 I returned to the triangular truck stop and again I walked around taking notes as before.  Again that tanker truck pulled in but this time I was on the West side of the building when it did.  He pulled in and parked to the North of the building this time on the far side of the white fence.  I checked my tablet and said "I know that truck."  The driver said something to me when he passed as if he was curious as to who I was and what I was doing there and I didn’t recall recognizing him but he went on into the building.  At this moment I realized something special was going on there and heads were being counted, notes were being taken not just by me but by others who were there.

 There was another truck to the West shaped like a UPS truck but I recall no markings, only the dark green or olive drab color of the truck and the shape.  Just setting there, no one in it.  I returned to the East side of the truck stop and then went on my trip through the trees again.  Now my wife was wandering around the grounds and she went with me.  Another man was there and when I saw him I landed and didn’t want him to see my flying about.  I walked along behind him and to the left more or less with him to the South point of the land where we both stopped and were looking up at the stars.  My wife was to my right several yards away doing the same thing.

 The man said "how clear the stars are tonight."

 "Almost appears there are to many stars doesn’t it?" I asked him.

 "It does" he remarked.  "It seems unnatural."

 Truly it did, there were many more stars in the sky than usual and some of them formed shapes that we had not seen before.  While we were standing there looking up some of the formations of stars lit up in different colors.  One circular set of stars lit up bright red.  Some formations lit up bright white and others were bright yellow.

 "Something is about to happen" I told them.  We continued to watch as the lights in the heavens once again went dim and then totally vanished.  "We should leave now." I told them.

 We turned around and started along the South East section of the highway walking toward the North East toward the parking lot.  Suddenly the air was full of smoke.  "There is a fire up there somewhere" I told them.  The smoke became so bad that I even walked into a tree.  I could not see one foot ahead of me at that point and we all held hands trying to help each other along.  In moments the smoke started to clear and we could see several yards in front of us.  I pointed straight at the tree I had run into and told them that I had run into that tree near the highway.  We were now standing straight north of that tree about 20 yards away.  Then we started out again making our way through the smoke toward the parking lot.

 The first things that stand out here are…
 It is night time, something is going on that is not all public knowledge.
 Second, there is a vote being cast over something.  A kind of election.
 Three things are not agreed upon.
 The place has religious implications.
 My own vehicle is supernatural in nature and moves unseen to those involved.
 The triangular "truck stop" is a section of land that is a triangle that points to the South having passage ways on each side of it.  (Just like Iraq and Saudi Arabia)
 This truck is delivering something to that place being mentioned by the dream concerning the dream subject itself.
 The truck is familiar.  This place is familiar to me. (check past dreams for truck)
 Notes are being taken and heads are being counted.
 The huge military airplane is bringing something to that place in secret.  Now we see strong military implications involved in the dream subject.
 The sky and the stars appear unnatural.  These extra things are signs in the heavens and in the supernatural to give warning of pending events.
 The circle of lights went red.  To the left was an oval of stars that lit up yellow.  These are warning colors and indicate a return to something or a "continuing" of some event that is in process.  These are danger signs.
 Fire and smoke in the North from the position where we were.  Something has happened to the North, toward the truck stop.
 We were unable to see exactly what it was because the smoke was so thick.
 This dream has all the indications of war or conflict.  My first guess is Iraq.


Another set of strange dreams 2/21/98

The Lumber Jack

 These dreams appeared to last all night long.  There were many different ones and parts of them I don’t know what order to put them in.

 The first one that I recall though made me sick.  I was working with some other men logging.  This one man had a rather large chainsaw and he was cutting certain trees down in the woods.  I was there watching and also to help him load these trees onto a truck.  Then I noticed the trees he was cutting were not the kind loggers usually cut.  He cut no pine, no walnut, no cedar, but he cut trees that aren’t generally used for lumber.  I was looking at one very light colored tree and trying to figure out what it was.  "Is that a birch of some kind?" I pondered.  It couldn’t be some kind of cottonwood, they don’t use them for lumber do they ?  He even cut some very large crooked rotting trees down and loaded them on a truck.  When I questioned him he basically told me just to mind my own business and do my job.

 Then he started to load them on the truck and was having some problems with a big one.  I took hold and helped him load it into the back of what appeared to be a two ton dump truck with a flat bed.  Instantly I got sick the moment I touched this tree.  I helped him load it and then helped with several smaller ones and realized that no human could lift these size logs.  The smaller ones two people might lift but the large one, no two people could lift.

 As I moved away from the truck I saw the illness started to subside.  I made a connection between the sickness that I experienced and these trees.  It was almost as if this guy was killing and removing the trees that were not suitable to be used for anything.  Then I realized these trees represented something else, and in dreams they frequently represent people.

Along in here somewhere I woke up still sick at my stomach but the sickness was going away.  It was like the dream itself had caused me to feel sick at my stomach.  In the Bible the King dreamed he saw a huge tree cut down but the stump was left.  It was symbolic of himself and when the event happened he lost his mind and dwelled with the oxen in the field for 7 lengths of time, then was restored to his position as king.

I got the frightening impression that these trees were people, old people, sick people, perhaps even people without much hope and the guy with the chain saw was killing them to get rid of them for some reason.

Huge Stone Power Station 2/21/98

And Revisiting the Underground

 I don’t recall where all I had been in the start of this dream but I recall flying around the countryside for miles.  Then I recall turning back toward what I thought to be the South and flying along a gravel road until I came to a very large building like structure the size of a mountain.  I slowed, flew low and saw an East-West road intersect with the North-South road.  There was some heavy equipment parked on the North side of that road.  There were piles of rocks stacked along the South side of that road at the base of this huge stone building like structure.

 As I observed these things I had a sudden recollection that I had been there before and I told the one who was flying along with me.  "I have been here before, I remember this place, I even worked here in the past."

 I moved back away from it to the North West and though I recalled being here in the past there was something new here now.  The mountain had been transformed into what appeared to be a massive power station.

 As we backed away from it pondering on what an amazing thing we were seeing we discovered the entrance to an underground area on the West side of the North-South road.  We entered and discovered a massive underground area that was still under construction.  Steel beams ran this way and that.  Sections of floor were suspended by other steel beams.  There were platforms and walkways going all directions.  I looked down but could not see the bottom of this place in the darkness.  I can only say that it was an underground area so large you could put a city inside of it and close the door and no one would know you were even there.  A power generating station just across the road in the other mountain could power an underground city for perhaps many years without anyone even knowing it was there.  I discussed these things with my friend as we were standing on one of the suspended platforms.  We heard sounds coming from the South East and realized there were workers or guards moving around over there.  Then we headed for the exit.

 This dream has all the tones of viewpoint dreams I have had in the past which informed me of certain events including Star-wars weapons and the "Copious Erectus" (Flying Stealth Battle machine, Perhaps the Comanche Attack Helicopter) quite some time before any news was made know about them.  Certain symbols were used in these former dreams to give insight into the dream subject, but I understood these symbols.

 What you are seeing in this dream is exactly the same.  A huge power station that is hidden in a mountain and not far away is an underground area large enough to hold a city.  It is still under construction as seen in this dream.

 Another very important thing in this dream is the fact I had been there before.  I believe if I were able to search all of my past dreams I would find another dream where I saw this place at some earlier point in its construction.  The fact I said I had worked there doesn’t mean I was physically there, it only means I had made a record of what I had seen there since my work is with my dreams.

 Exactly where this place is, is anyone’s guess.  I saw nothing really to give me any clues where it is located.

Another Underground Facility 2/21/98

 The next thing I knew I was still traveling along with my friend and found myself at what appeared to be another mountain with an entrance.  An electronic door opened and we entered this place.  It was very clean and white with blue and certain other markings here and there.  We moved up an down a long hallway and saw more electronic doors.  I went into one of these rooms and the door closed behind me.  It was basically empty but the shape I recall very well.  It was higher in the center and lower on the edges.  It was like the hallways, clean and white with some colored markings usually blue stripes.

 Someone else was in there laying on some kind of shelf area.  "Are we locked in here" I asked them.

 "Nope, not yet.  Just push the button the door will open."  They answered.
 I went back to the door and saw 4 sets of buttons.  I pushed the one I took to be the open button and sure enough the doors opened.  I went back out into the hallway and then to the left to the end of that section.  There were more doors and what appeared to be a station of some kind with a fancy space age looking desk.  This kind of station is similar to the kind found in hospitals where people can check in and out and where the on duty nurses stations are so they can see up and down the hallways.  The same kind of stations are used for security guards.  I looked up and saw a sign that I would swear said "Cyborgs Station" but the picture clearly indicated some kind of robot station.

 From here a hallway or room went to the right, another to the left and there was a closed door just to the left of the station.

 This could be another underground facility or it could even be something connected to the first one I described, perhaps even at a future stage of completion.


Message from Heaven 3/23/98

It was a dark night.  Father was driving the boat. We were going up a river. Father had something to show me. He said a flying-saucer had been sighted up the river.  There was something important their he had to show me.

Quickly we moved through the night over the flowing water without lights.  I searched for dangers in the water but I could not see clearly.  Father could see clearly and  knew player he was going. Soon I could see the outline of an observatory in the distance upon a hill.  As we came near and I could see more clearly something happened.  I found myself inside the observatory with father and another man.  I was then shown a set of images of the U.F.O. as it flew down and around the observatory.  On the second or third pass around the observatory something was dropped from the disk shaped craft.  I told them to play the video over freezing the frame at the point where the object was dropped.  I then showed them that something had been dropped from the craft.  The other man said I was correct and he handed me a rolled up mailer.  I saw it was addressed to me and I opened it.  There was a small piece of paper inside upon which there was handwriting in pencil.  On the note it said "Be with your family on 12-12".

Now I found myself in a study with desk and books.  I held a clipboard in my hands, it had a legal pad on it.  I had a pencil in my hand.  I was trying to figure out the   meaning of the message. I was puzzled, deciding it must be a date in time I turned to my left and looked at the calendar. There was no 12-12 anywhere on the page.  I lifted the page to see the next month.  I was shocked see their were no more days.  There were only empty boxes where the numbers should have been.

 Then I found myself in my car driving down the road to a large building.  This building reminded me of a hospital though I can’t be sure of that.  Many vehicles were pulling into the parking lot.  People were getting out and going to the building.  A very long line had formed in front of what looked like a ticket booth.  I held my note over my head and yelled, " how many of you have received a note like this one." One woman in the entire crowd held up her hand to show me her note.  Then she started walking toward an open doorway positioned to the left of the long line.  I followed her into the building.

Inside the building we found ourselves in a large room with some other people.  I asked the woman what is the meaning of all this.  She said she did not know but she was going to try to find out.

This dream contains a special message from heaven.
Father = God
this boat =  Fathers business
U.F.O. = sign from above/heaven
the message itself represents literal symbol
Observatory = simply saying "observe this"
U.F.O. made several circles around the observatory.  Circles = cycles.  These are frequently things that are repeated at certain times.
Trying to learn meaning = literal
No more days on calendar = end of ages
12-12 = My birthday is the 12 month on the 12 day.  Other things may also apply to the numbers we have seen in this dream.  There was something between the 12 and the second 12 on the paper.  It may have been a symbol like a * or a + or - or / or something. This was the reason I was trying to calculate the meaning of the numbers in the dream.  The same thing happened after I awakened.  I am still pondering the meaning of the dates and I realize my birthday is also relevant.  As with many dream symbols it may also correspond with another event.

Be with your family = physical family or spiritual family?

I had this dream just before we went to a birthday party with relatives. I think it may be possible the dream was simply speaking of the birthday event.  But why would it use such symbols as father the boat the observatory and especially the U.F.O.?


Message from Heaven 3/23/98

Flying Saucer Message

It was a dark night.  Father was driving the boat. We were going up a river. Father had something to show me. He said a flying-saucer had been sighted up the river.  There was something important their he had to show me.

Quickly we moved through the night over the flowing water without lights.  I searched for dangers in the water but I could not see clearly.  Father could see clearly and  knew player he was going. Soon I could see the outline of an observatory in the distance upon a hill.  As we came near and I could see more clearly something happened.  I found myself inside the observatory with father and another man.  I was then shown a set of images of the U.F.O. as it flew down and around the observatory.  On the second or third pass around the observatory something was dropped from the disk shaped craft.  I told them to play the video over freezing the frame at the point where the object was dropped.  I then showed them that something had been dropped from the craft.  The other man said I was correct and he handed me a rolled up mailer.  I saw it was addressed to me and I opened it.  There was a small piece of paper inside upon which there was handwriting in pencil.  On the note it said "Be with your family on 12-12".

Now I found myself in a study with desk and books.  I held a clipboard in my hands, it had a legal pad on it.  I had a pencil in my hand.  I was trying to figure out the   meaning of the message. I was puzzled, deciding it must be a date in time I turned to my left and looked at the calendar. There was no 12-12 anywhere on the page.  I lifted the page to see the next month.  I was shocked see their were no more days.  There were only empty boxes where the numbers should have been.

 Then I found myself in my car driving down the road to a large building.  This building reminded me of a hospital though I can’t be sure of that.  Many vehicles were pulling into the parking lot.  People were getting out and going to the building.  A very long line had formed in front of what looked like a ticket booth.  I held my note over my head and yelled, " how many of you have received a note like this one." One woman in the entire crowd held up her hand to show me her note.  Then she started walking toward an open doorway positioned to the left of the long line.  I followed her into the building.

Inside the building we found ourselves in a large room with some other people.  I asked the woman what is the meaning of all this.  She said she did not know but she was going to try to find out.

This dream contains a special message from heaven.
Father = God
this boat =  Fathers business
U.F.O. = sign from above/heaven
the message itself represents literal symbol
Observatory = simply saying "observe this"
U.F.O. made several circles around the observatory.  Circles = cycles.  These are frequently things that are repeated at certain times.
Trying to learn meaning = literal
No more days on calendar = end of ages
12-12 = My birthday is the 12 month on the 12 day.  Other things may also apply to the numbers we have seen in this dream.  There was something between the 12 and the second 12 on the paper.  It may have been a symbol like a * or a + or - or / or something. This was the reason I was trying to calculate the meaning of the numbers in the dream.  The same thing happened after I awakened.  I am still pondering the meaning of the dates and I realize my birthday is also relevant.  As with many dream symbols it may also correspond with another event.

Be with your family = physical family or spiritual family?

I had this dream just before we went to a birthday party with relatives. I think it may be possible the dream was simply speaking of the birthday event.  But why would it use such symbols as father the boat the observatory and especially the U.F.O.?


Concealed 3/24/98

Massive  Underground Factory.

Massive building mostly underground.  People come and go.  Security guards everywhere.  Underground factory.  High security. My wife and I entered a large building only to discover it was much larger underground.  There were guards at every door wearing uniforms that I did not recognize.

My wife and I were searching for something, information perhaps regarding this facility.  We split up and each went a different direction intending to meet later and share our findings.  Then I flew up high and landed on a ledge where I could look down on the people.  It was almost like a mall with people going about as if shopping.  Then I looked up and noticed directly across from me was an old woman.  On each side of her sat huge horned owls.  There was another animal about the same size sitting up and behind her left shoulder.  When I saw her there I became curious as to who she was, what she was, and what she was doing their.  I watched her for a view minutes and she watched me but did nothing.

I then went about the building to find a large black door through which I passed to discover an even larger area below ground.  This place had very high security.  What went on here is a secret.  There is a large factory making some kind of vehicles.  These vehicles are built as if on an assembly line.  The assembly line has a track or groove down the center.  It comes out of a very dark place then turns right and down toward a receiving area on the floor.  Men are waiting there to receive the vehicles.  I did not get to see the vehicles.  I saw the workers the security guards and someone working in a control booth beside the assembly line.

I looked around finding myself very deep in the earth discovering even more strange and secret things in this place.  Then I became disoriented searching for my way back.  Then I discovered an elevator. The nature of the elevator was rounded polished metal like polished aluminum or stainless steel.  There was a woman security guard station at a desk near the elevator.  I watched her until she left. This was the only time I was concerned about being seen.  Then I used the elevator to return to the upper floors of the building.  Where I again found my wife and begun to relate my discoveries to her.


Undercover Mission Again 3/30/98

 Giant Gray Alien

  Dreams last night I was an under cover agent.  Along with a few other people.  We entered a large building.  It looked like a government building filled with agents.  It had office rooms, it had other very large rooms.  It had many hallways going all directions.

  My friend and I searched many rooms.  Not finding what we were searching for we decided it must be hidden.  We return near the door were we had entered.  A few yards down the hallway was another hall to the left.  There first door to the right.  A hidden elevator.  We managed to enter and used the elevator to go into the lower levels of the building.  We discovered a hidden maze of rooms below ground level.  Once again we begun our search for whatever it was we were searching for.

  Occasionally we would split up and each go a different way.  We would remember where we had started and always return to that exact same location to regroup.  On this particular search I discovered military personnel in some of the rooms.  A discussion was going on concerning the bombing of some F-117’s.  In one room there was a colonel having a conversation with several other officers.  In the dream I actually heard his name.  There I also overheard the name General Thompson or Thomas.  I do not recall all names exactly since I did not record the dream the moment I woke up.

 I saw a film of these black airplanes being destroyed.  Though I over heard the description as being F-117’ s these black airplanes were triangular in shape, similar to the shape of an SR-71 but more triangular in shape.  I do not believe I have ever seen this particular type of aircraft before.

In another room I did encounter some of the new pilots of these aircraft.  I understood they were very new type of high-tech aircraft.  There were very few pilots who knew how to fly them. The pilots who were being selected to fly the new aircraft were all Top-Guns.  They were watching training films of this new aircraft.  Some of them were so new to the new aircraft, they were making comments how they had only heard rumors of the aircraft but had no evidence that it really existed until now.  They were amazed.

 As I was returning to join my friend I heard voices across a large room and down a hallway where I saw an officer passing from the right to the left.  I heard more conversation but could not understand what was be said.  I watched as another man lead a very tall gray alien being with long skinny arms and legs across the hall from the left to the right.  The alien must have been at least seven feet tall.  From where I stood by could not tell if the alien was naked or if it was wearing a skin tight gray suit.  The way it moved indicated to me that it was either ill or disoriented.  It was being led by the human by the hand.

When they had gone from view I returned to join my friend to tell him everything I had witnessed.

 I believe this is another viewpoint dream showing information concerning top secret government business.  Some things from this dream may be symbolic while other things may be taken literal.


A Star in the Heavens 3/31/98

In a dream last night I was observing the stars when I was told by a voice to expect a new star to be discovered soon.

 This is another message from heaven telling us to expect another sign from heaven.


The Spirit Flows 4/9/98

 I saw father remove a large brass looking cap on a pipe that ran into the earth.  I could hear water running inside the pipe.  Then he removed something and the water flow increased into the earth.  Then he put the cap back on and started to tighten it with his very large wrench.  I reached out and took both hands and turned the cap down for him so that he need not use the big wrench.

The flow of the spirit to God’s people is being increased to the earth.


More UFO’s 4/10/98

 I was standing on a submarine similar to WW II subs and watching 7 UFO’s moving across the sky.  I could see their con trails and the one on top zipped over the second one and started slamming into the ones below it.  It did this until only the two UFO’s, the first (itself) and the second were left to fly out of sight.  The moment they passed behind a mountain I saw a rocket fly up into the sky behind the mountain and fall to earth near the water.  I saw and even heard the explosion from the rocket.  (I think they were in the North and flying West but I can’t be sure as this was a strange dream.)  There was a lot more to the dream and how I got here to this place but I don’t have time to record it all now.

 As I saw this I was calling into the Sub through the back door, for my brother to come out and see this event.  While I called a large jet airplane came and followed the same path.  It was leaving a huge smoke trail and appeared to be on fire.  It was loosing altitude and headed for the mountains.  I called and called for my brother to come out and see these things but he didn’t come out until after the airplane crashed and was on fire on the mountain.

 Then when he came out I told him the story and he started asking questions about how big the UFO’s appeared to be and how far away they were and I said they were just a little bit larger than the brightest stars.  I pointed where I saw them in the sky and told him of the jet airplane that crashed in the mountains.  It was a sign of some kind I just knew it.

 While I was telling the story the sub backed away from the place and I saw a building in this water.  I should call it a shack as it looked like a dump.  Someone lived there.  Then suddenly the sub went under water with us standing on the deck and we had to swim to find something to get up on.  My brother was ahead of me now swimming to the West toward a boat or log or something.  There was tall grass growing in the water and I saw something swimming just under the water after me.  Several times it was close enough that I was able to kick it back with my feet.  Then when I got up with my brother again that something came out of the water and was a strange child-like dwarf like little person.

 We went to the shack and someone opened the door.  It was a women who looked like some kind of Gypsy.  She smiled at us and said "said please come in" she has something to tell us.

 It has to do with another message or sign from heaven.  Watch the news with care my friends.  Every light in the sky that I saw has a meaning.  Airplanes that crash are symbolic of events that deal with the things that people do.  This was a passenger jet that I saw similar to a 747 or 707.  It was in the distance but I could see it fairly clear.  It was a light colored airplane.  It is large enough to affect quite a number of people.

 The UFO’s battling in the sky may also represent the powers of the heavens at war.  Spiritual and supernatural conflict being implied.


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3 U.F.O.s 4/20/98

 In this dream I was with someone telling them of a U.F.O. sighting along a gravel road I took them and pointed out where the first U.F.O. had been sighted and described how when we came over the hill a second U.F.O. was hovering over the top of some trees.  We stopped our vehicle there and got out.  While I was describing the encounter a third U.F.O. different from the first two came across passing from North East toward South West.  We observed this but this U.F.O. or saucer shaped craft moved more like an airplane and it made a low  humming sound as it passed over.  I could see lights and vents on the craft.  There was an unusual flat area on the back of the craft with vents in it.  I took it to be the engine area of the craft.  The craft moved at a consistent rate along a straight path in the direction I have describe.