ARMA 3 Missions

I have a few missions for ARMA 3 you can have and there's no if's ands or butts about it, you can have them all including the code to edit them with.

Missions goes into your documents/ARMA3/missions folder.
You can then run the game go into the editor and edit the missions.  You can see how I made them and change them to suit yourself.

The PBO files can go into your missions or MPmissions folders in your Steam/ARMA3/game directory.  These are ready to play providing you have the adon's to make them work.

If you get an error press space bar to see if it will go ahead and run.  If it kicks you back then you must get an addon to make it work.

I have merged ARMA2 with ARMA3 files and it says CBA 2 error but if you add the thing it asks for the game won't run at all, so there's going to be some errors you must find a way around in order to make it work.  Naturally any missions that use 3 party addons will require those to work.  Anything that doesn't require an addon should run providing you have the last update from BI.  Or at least the update I had when I made these which is 0.61.10 something I forget.

When they upgrade from that to later versions these missions may very well stop working.  When I get them fixed I'll reupload them but I only work on this game once a week as usual.

MPissions PBO

Since the release of Arma 3 Beta every time they change anything and that's like every day to every other day nothing in home made missions will work without being reedited.

They are also making changes to the map itself and anything connected to a static object must be reconnected to that object to make the mission work right.

They have changed the names of guns, vehicles and other things that are in the game making the game think the items are no longer there and the missions will not load to let you edit them.  If you can open the script in Notepad and remove the items that cause the error and save it back out sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I'm not going to upload any more ARMA 3 missions until they find some stable point where the missions I make will remain functional.